As a Presence People our core value underpinning all other values is the presence of Jesus.

He is the cornerstone of our vision, values, and ventures.  Each value takes us deeper into knowing Him that we would be transformed to be like Him. As we increasingly know Jesus, we experience a greater capacity to reveal Him to the world. Jesus is to be the source for all we are and do for the sole purpose of bringing Him glory.

His Presence at the center...

At the foundation of Presence Church is the ministry of worship.

At the foundation of Presence Church is the ministry of worship. We believe we are created to be a priesthood who have the eternal pleasure to join Heaven in bringing adoration, praise, and thanksgiving to Jesus Christ.

From this purpose, all other purposes flow.  It is our expectation that as we prioritise the aligning of our hearts with Heaven’s sound, we will see His Presence abide with a people with an increasing experience of His glory.Our gathering as a Presence family prioritises extended times of worship that actively seeks to be led by Holy Spirit into times of encounter and refreshing.

Presence Church was birthed out of a word from the Lord to prepare a place for His presence to encounter a region.

We truly believe His word is living and active in our lives and we continue to be led by the revelation of His written word that speaks into the here and now.

We value and seek the wisdom and revelation of the voice of the Spirit as He leads us into the fullness of identity and calling in Jesus. As we minister the Word in partnership with Holy Spirit, we expect the promise that Jesus will manifest His presence and build His Kingdom in the life of Presence Church and the region through salvation, healing, deliverance, signs and wonders.  

Jesus is the senior leader of Presence Church.

All leadership are to submit to the present voice of Jesus as He leads and build His church.  Leaders are to prioritise His heart for the people of the Presence family and the region.

As a Presence People, we desire to be led into the fullness of His heart’s desire for Presence Church and the region.  His presence is to be the distinguishing mark on our lives as we represent Him and His Kingdom with sensitivity and faithful obedience through His leading.

We highly value the call to disciple believers into increasing maturity in Christ.

As modelled by Jesus, this is a personal, up-close experience as we journey together in knowing Him and His ways in every area of our lives.

Discipleship is the key to a multigenerational move of God.  It flourishes when lives are in proximity to each other, committed to prayer, hearing His word, and walking out revelation as a family.

It is a clear directive of Presence Church to present to the Lord a people who are firmly rooted in Christ, being transformed continually into the fullness of His nature, that they would be fruitful in and for His Kingdom in their lifetime.

As a Presence People, we recognise the need to equip the saints for the work of ministry.

A core value of Presence Church is to facilitate the equipping and impartation of gifts and callings for the purpose of the Great Commission.

We are committed to seeing a people trained and released to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, increasing in maturity in the power and authority of Jesus.  All equipping is driven by vision and for the mission to reveal the resurrection power of God to a suffering and dying world.

A Presence People are bold having heard and aligned with the call to step out into mighty exploits.  

We believe the Body of Christ is the Father’s agents of reconciliation in the world today. This requires the Body to be a moving, advancing force in the world.  As we partner with Holy Spirit, we look to advance the Kingdom into the world through a Presence People.

Presence Church encourages the ministry of the saints and actively partners with callings and giftings to see fruitfulness that brings Jesus the most glory.  Through discipleship and equipping, exploits are energised and commissioned.

Generosity is the currency of His Kingdom.

In light of the ultimate display of generosity in giving His Son for our salvation, our Heavenly Father has modelled the heart He desires for His children. We believe a right view of who Jesus is and what He has done for us leads to a Presence People abounding in generosity.

We believe our lives our no longer our own but have been bought by Christ’s blood for the Father’s desires…  This includes our time, giftings and finances.  As we go deeper into the call to be a Presence People and say “yes” to His desire to encounter a region and beyond, generosity increases as a response to His heart.

As we joyfully sow all we are and have for His pleasure, we rest in the revelation that all grace will abound, for all times and situations, enlarging our capacity to reveal the life and generosity of our heavenly Father.  

At the heart of the gospel is the DNA of family

Our Father sent His only Son, in union with Holy Spirit, to redeem the lost family of humanity.  The Gospel sought us out and rebirthed us as sons and daughters.

The spreading of the Gospel through the early apostles was not satisfied with individual salvation but rushed like a wildfire sweeping households and multi-generational families into the Kingdom of God.

We believe His heart remains the same!  Revival looks like redeemed, empowered, and fruitful families!  A Presence People recognise their lives are intricately connected to the whole Body of Christ!  The fruitfulness of His presence in our lives impacts those around us.  We seek to bless, uplift and champion all who are a part of God’s family.

A Presence People prioritises the presence of Jesus in our physical families.  We believe ministry begins at home: how we love, how we live, how we lead! A Presence People live with a living hope that the fullness of salvation will work in the lives of those we are connected to, modelling Christ well, and joyfully expecting hearts to be reconciled to a loving Heavenly Father.

We believe a Presence People is a multi-generational family that lives with inheritance in mind, living lives that pave the way for the next generation to run in the purposes of God for their season of fruitful living.